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007-014-Succeed in ESB - Level B1 - Test 1_UCL-B2 - Pract Tests1-6-corrected.qxd  21/9/2017  12:54 μμ  Page 8

             Succeed in ESB  Level B1

              READING           Part 1

            You are going to read a text about the comedian Charlie Chaplin. For questions 21-24, match the headings (A-G) with the
            paragraphs. There are TWO headings that you do not need. The first heading has been done as an example.

                                                       Charlie Chaplin

             ExAmPLE: G. Before the movies

            Thought of by many as the greatest comedian of all time, Charles Spencer Chaplin was born in London, England on 16 April 1889.
            In 1908 he joined Fred Karno's touring stage company with his brother, Sydney. In 1912 the group went to perform in America, and
            Chaplin decided to stay. The following year, producer Mack Sennett saw him perform and decided to take him on at the Keystone
             21.                         D
            His first movie was Making a Living (1914); however, his next film, Kid Auto Races at Venice (1914), was destined to change his entire
            career. This picture saw him wearing baggy trousers borrowed from Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle, size 14 shoes belonging to Ford Sterling
            (and worn upside down to keep them from falling off), a tiny jacket from Keystone Kop Charles Avery, a bowler hat belonging to
            Arbuckle's father-in-law and Mack Swain's moustache trimmed down to toothbrush size.
             22.                         A
            From 1915 onwards Chaplin wrote, directed, produced, scored and, of course, starred in all his movies. He joined the Essanay
            Company the following year and in 1917, The Immigrant (1917) and Easy Street (1917) were both released. In 1918 he and his
            brother opened their own studio in Los Angeles, and in 1919 he teamed up with Douglas Fairbanks, Mary Pickford and D.W. Griffith
            to form something new they named United Artists, for the production of their own films. However, Chaplin did not make a film for
            the company until 1923 when A Woman of Paris (1923) was released; this was followed in 1925 by the classic The Gold Rush (1925)
            and in 1927 by The Circus (1928), for which he received an Academy Award.
             23.                         F
            For the premiere of City Lights (1931), Chaplin travelled to London, and stayed there until 1932 before returning to the US. His next
            film was Modern Times (1936), which proved to be one of his greatest successes, followed four years later by The Great Dictator
            (1940), which criticised the Nazis. Chaplin played a dual role, as a Jewish barber who fought in World War I and as the evil Adenoid
            Hynkel, dictator of Tomania. In 1952 he released what is probably his best-known "talkie", Limelight (1952), which also featured his
            longtime friend, Buster Keaton.
             24.                         C

            He published his autobiography in 1964 and in 1972 he returned to Hollywood to claim a special Oscar honouring his lifetime
            contributions to movies. In 1975 he was knighted by The Queen. He died in his sleep on Christmas Day, 1977.

                 A.  More than just an actor
                 B.  Success in London
                 C.  A majestic end
                 D.  A silly look
                 E.  A friendly disagreement
                 F. Successful return to the States
                 G. Example: Before the movies

            For questions 25-30, decide whether the sentences below are
            TRUE (T) or FALSE (F), according to the text.

                 25. In 1912 Chaplin was in Sydney, Australia.    True / False
                 26. Chaplin normally wore size 14 shoes.         True / False
                 27. Chaplin worked with his brother.             True / False
                 28. Chaplin immediately made a film with United Artists. True / False
                 29.  Chaplin played two characters in one film.  True / False
                 30.  Chaplin received a lifetime recognition award.  True / False

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